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  1. M

    Powershop 33% increase

    @rickt65 Ceo needs that 5mill bonus pay
  2. M

    How to get poverty & accumulate wealth and freedom

    @daisy83 Spend less per week, rent out a room or two, grow your own vegetables maybe? Without a list of what your spending that 1100 a week on its hard to know where cuts need to be made. Saved big money spending $20 on food a week when I was younger. Don't think that's viable for most people.
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    Buying meat at the end of the day

    @ella1838 Pak n save richmond likes to mix old meat in with new meat so careful with minced meat. grey and green tinged meat is really obvious when clumped with red meat btw paknsave, do better.
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    budget advice

    @jsp Spend $50 a week on food and you save $200 a week. I did a year on $20. 1 apple and 1 savaloy sausage a day, lost weight and saved money, but uh probably not for everyone now that I think about it.