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  1. B

    Reasons to declare investment income

    @kristhuy Good to know. I'll ask the tax office next year when it comes time then for further info. Thanks as always.
  2. B

    Reasons to declare investment income

    @kristhuy Sorry, I have one more question that I just thought of. If there are just mutual funds in her account, is there any difference between simply switching it to a non-withholding account from now on, or must I open a general account for her in order to declare?
  3. B

    Reasons to declare investment income

    @kristhuy That's good to know. Thank you very much. And yes, the dividends will definitely be declared from her taxed brokerage now that I read your initial post. Many thanks
  4. B

    Reasons to declare investment income

    @kristhuy This is an amazing read. Thank you very much for taking the time to write this up. I have one question, as this is potentially very useful to my situation. My wife maxes her ideco every year, and we have our primary home loan in her name, but does not work. Because she has no income...