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    Boss not paying on time

    @john1277 You need to find another employer / someone else to contract for. No legal action you can take can make him have money when he has none.
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    Am I Doing Ok? What Should I Do Next? (23F)

    @kknmksmama You’re doing fine for your age
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    37 - fully offset my apartment, now what?

    @loo Zoning rules, excessive bureaucracy, immigration, stamp duty.
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    37 - fully offset my apartment, now what?

    @loo Property outperforming stocks is not a rule of nature. It’s a fluke. More specifically it’s due to continual bad government policy. A bet on real estate is a bet that government policy will continue to be poor. Assuming the government produces better policy, the stock market will...
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    37 - fully offset my apartment, now what?

    @loo A. But make sure you pick a low fee diversified ETF. Don’t expose yourself too much to the property market in a single city. Diversification is the only free lunch in finance.
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    Impact of credit card churning (on credit score) if I’m getting a mortgage soon?

    @nealdx Banks don’t just have models to detect if you’ll not repay the loan. They have models to detect churning too. I’m surprised you’re not getting rejected more.
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    Impact of credit card churning (on credit score) if I’m getting a mortgage soon?

    @nealdx Be careful with that. That’s a lot. The banks will eventually catch on and you might not be able to open the cards you actually want.
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    Tax on a global shares portfolio in NZ compared to Australia

    @firsthandsemiuniversalist The effects of inflation being different in each country means that even with the same stocks and same tax rate you could have different taxes