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  1. F

    Taking the P&C and L&H licensing tests this week, any advice?

    @hbyeager Practice tests, for sure. The ones I have taken all were very, very, very similar to the practice tests. It makes sense. How many ways can you ask "what is Coverage A" etc.
  2. F

    State Farm Fined $4 Million by Montana Insurance Commissioner related to Private Passenger Auto Claims.

    @stryker4 I understand that this is going to be hard to hear, but there are actually people in the world who are - brace yourself - dishonest. They are not actually hurt, but they lie and incur medical bills - usually big diagnostic ones - for the express purpose of inflating and/or exaggerating...
  3. F

    State Farm Fined $4 Million by Montana Insurance Commissioner related to Private Passenger Auto Claims.

    @stryker4 Car repair is objective. You can measure the damaged part, see where the crack or misalignment is, pull up a catalog of parts and find the price of a replacement. A human body is different. Somebody can say "my neck hurts" but there is no way for anyone outside of that person to say...