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  1. S

    How to get poverty & accumulate wealth and freedom

    @daisy83 Get rid of the cars and buy cheaper second hand off payments, that’ll get you to your savings goals faster and pay down principal on house until you’re debt free. Only when you’re debt free can you start to accumulate true financial freedom. Depending on your income you can knock out...
  2. S

    What are your hacks/tips for maximising results for reward scheme

    @idolsmasher I have an everyday rewards card (countdown & BP) to maximise I only shop & get gas at these places. I utilise boosts & special offers on the website as much as possible and do the bulk of shopping online to keep track of it. Since 1st of Feb I’ve received 5 $15 vouchers. $75 saved...
  3. S

    What are your hacks/tips for maximising results for reward scheme

    @kayc That’s why I just have one and only shop/gas up at these places and shop online. Easier to manage and far less stressful and inexpensive than shopping around in person wasting gas because the eggs are on special on the other side of town.