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  1. J

    20 y/o M 50k salary saving help

    @claymore Get a job in tech. Go to a coding boot camp. You’ll make an easy 80k working from home and live like a king.
  2. J

    20 y/o M 50k salary saving help

    @claymore Personally speaking, I would do that as well - max your TFSA first. If you end-up making 80k+ (Which is not a lot of money in the GTA for the record - esp if you want to buy a house) you will pat yourself on the back. If you DON’T get to 80k+ you will STILL pat yourself on the back...
  3. J

    20 y/o M 50k salary saving help

    @claymore You are already in a low income tax bracket. You can open a RRSP, but generally its suggested to open one when you are in a higher tax bracket.