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  1. J

    Received a random e-transfer almost 3 months ago, what should I do?

    @childfreechristianaggie This was in the news where the account was frozen for fraud investigation. "I can share that if there is a suspicious transaction on an account, it may be flagged as potential fraud and out of an abundance of caution and protection for...
  2. J

    Is there a service to automatically negotiate my subscriptions (e.g. Bell, Rogers)?

    @wongster Maybe their sales haven’t gotten to you yet lol Right after I left them, I got a bunch of calls from them asking why I left and what could they do to bring me back. Then they started to harass me once a while. Just got bunch of calls the week before last.
  3. J

    Is there a service to automatically negotiate my subscriptions (e.g. Bell, Rogers)?

    @wongster Then their sales will start harassing you. I left Rogers and every once while, they bombard me with as many as 4-5 calls a day. They call during business hours and at evenings. They are crazy
  4. J

    First time home buyers questions

    @sean1240 Not enough cash for down payment + closing costs use an online mortgage calculator to calculate your affordability talk to multiple mortgage brokers in your region Overall, you don’t have enough cash if you want to do it now.