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  1. S

    Advice - Did I screw up choosing a Solo 401(k) for my S-Corp?

    @ufekevom Employer contributions for SEP and for Solo 401k are calculated the same way. They are 25% of salary. Yes, Employer contributions are a business expense to the business reported on your 1120-S and will reduce the passthrough income on the K-1. Employee contributions must have a...
  2. S

    Advice - Did I screw up choosing a Solo 401(k) for my S-Corp?

    @resjudicata Employee contributions must also be withheld from salary payments, and those salary payments must be in the calendar year, since the payroll date determines the year of contribution. Just like with a normal business.
  3. S

    How to pick which 401k investment choices when available ones are not named like the ones in the wiki?

    @gryphonking Rebalance once or twice a year. It doesn't have to be all the time.