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  1. S

    How do I grow the little money I have ?

    @renaissance Don't do this now bitcion is at an all time high right now
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    How do I grow the little money I have ?

    From this R1200 you are paying yourself to find a job, even if your first job only pays R10 000 a month, your return on your self investment will be more per month then any investment you could make with that same amount. Don't give up.
  3. S

    How do I grow the little money I have ?

    @crossdrivenwriter Make sure you look good when you go for interviews, buy nice cloths if you don't have, get a business hair cut. Think of it this way. You are paying yourself to go on interviews. Work out an hourly rate.
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    EasyEquities fees shot up?

    @ilovetaterzzz Yeah I would go see your thrive status, I know that unless your on level 3 the broker fees will be more then normal. Atleast that is how I understand it
  5. S

    EasyEquities fees shot up?

    @ilovetaterzzz Could also be what you where buying into, some etfs and so on have high fees as well