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  1. W

    Is just invest in the US market dumb?

    @jewhite95 My friend invest in “everything”. His portfolio is kinda a 100% VT or a split of VTI/VXUS.
  2. W

    Is 30% of savings worth it if I’m stressing out too much?

    @reallylongnickname Find a rate that you are comfortable. Saving shouldn’t be stressful. Unless you have a specific reason, like need to save certain amount to buy something.
  3. W

    Anyone tried GXBank? Feedback?

    @eeevie So far no problem, the interest will credit everyday at 11.59pm and the cashback is received as well.
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    Is just invest in the US market dumb?

    @mikker Yes that’s what I thought too. Most of the top US company are doing business around the world. Hence it’s kinda indirectly invest in the international market 🤔
  5. W

    Is just invest in the US market dumb?

    Hey everyone, I’ve been investing in the US market for about 1-3 years now. Recently, I had a conversation with a friend about exclusively investing in the US market. I received a lot of feedback, with some suggesting that solely focusing on one country might not be the wisest approach. They...
  6. W

    Advantage of becoming T20

    @vlc Thirdly, you can show off on Facebook.