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  1. E

    My strategy & help needed: how to invest 190k with a horizon of 3-6 years + 2-4k a month in the long term

    @coppellia Why are so keen on investing such a big portion in bonds and gold? Go full VWCE if you are thinking about investing long-term.
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    Feedback on how to invest 60k

    @resjudicata There is overlap, which is intentional. If you believe tech companies are going to continue their growth, I would say it's okay to allocate a portion of your portfolio to NASDAQ 100(SXRV).
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    Feedback on how to invest 60k

    @pat4jesus Save yourself the trouble and buy VWCE and SXRV. You will have exposure to the whole world and tech companies, which seems like is what you are after considering the stocks and the ETFs you've picked.
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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @bonin151 Totally fair point. My reasoning is that I don't see any other country that has the potential the US has. Investing in places like China seems riskier than going 100% US. But to each their own, of course.
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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @ldarlingt I was recently asking myself the exact same question, hence why I posted the following thread: Since then, I've decided that VWCE carries pretty much the same risk as the S&P 500 but delivers fewer results. Then, I shifted my investment strategy where I now buy just the S&P...
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    Thoughts on portfolio

    @raiah16 This is too complicated for no good reason. Just buy S&P 500 and be done with it. It seems like you're bullish on tech, so you can add a NASDAQ 100 ETF to the mix and you should be good to go.
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    [BG] Buying apartment with a forever loan

    @east81 You are missing a couple of key points here: You assume property prices will go up forever. You don't account for all of the extra costs that come with owning a property. (maintenance, taxes and all the other jazz) In case something goes wrong, you can always rent a cheaper place. If...