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    How is anyone enlisted still buying a house ?

    Also when buying maybe you can rent a room out if that’s something your willing to compromise on? Maybe a friend from work or a mutual. Gotta make it out here somehow lol
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    How is anyone enlisted still buying a house ?

    @turtledove13 I know two E-5’s in escrow right now. It’s not a house but a condo and as long as they aren’t paying rent their happy with their 2 bedroom 2 bath at about 440k. You might not be able to buy the house of your dreams but a sweet condo or townhome can sometimes do the job. I’m from...
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    How is anyone enlisted still buying a house ?

    @dashestodashes How realistic is it that you get a house in your price range? Considering mortage and not being house broke if u buy? Who knows when the next crash is but even if it happens I kinda doubt you’ll be the only one waiting on a crash. You can always refinance if u buy a condo rn and...
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    How is anyone enlisted still buying a house ?

    @dashestodashes How realistic is it that you get a house in your price range? Considering mortage and not being house broke if u buy? Who knows when the next crash is but even if it happens I kinda doubt you’ll be the only one waiting on a crash. You can always refinance if u buy a condo rn and...
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    How is anyone enlisted still buying a house ?

    @dashestodashes You can def buy. Maybe not a house but a condo or really nice townhome beats paying rent. And easier to rent out if you move