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  1. R

    My husbands life insurance policy lapsed due to non payment

    @daniel I was only commenting on the non sense whole life insurance first paragraph you wrote, literally nothing else. You should view it as the 'whole life policy police', but then I saw your profile and you most likely are an insurance broker so well...
  2. R

    My husbands life insurance policy lapsed due to non payment

    @daniel So why write this? hahaha I will always comment when somebody goes off and write some absolute nonsense about whole life when there is a much better option in the market, no matter the context.
  3. R

    My husbands life insurance policy lapsed due to non payment

    @daniel This seems a bit of a stretch tbh. You are using this situation to highlight whole life while if he invested the money in index funds and got the low term life, he would most likely have more money available to himself, without having the huge premiums and all the fees related to the...