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    U.S. tourist for 6 weeks: Rent a car vs buy and sell

    @wakemantk Could try
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    Am I Doing Ok? What Should I Do Next? (23F)

    @kknmksmama It sounds like you may get a lot out of Frances is also on Instagram and hosts Enjoy the rest of your trip. The money spent now doing...
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    The unrecoverable costs of buying a million dollar house now equate to around $1730 in rent a week

    @thestarside Ben Felix does a great podcast every week as well over at with lots of chat about the behavioural side of money. Selective zoning out for the Canadian and US specific stuff is recommended though.
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    Sharesies-Need help n tips

    @zulubwoy Assuming you've already got at least at 3 months of living costs in an emergency fund, savings accounts for everything you'll need in the next 3 years (such as car/holiday/house deposit) then read these before you do anything else:
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    Here's my budget spreadsheet for anyone interested

    @christopher30 Nice. I like to rank my budget items into essential and discretionary sub totals. It means that your emergency fund could last you a whole lot longer as you know what your true essentials are ahead of time, if the shit truly hits the fan. It also helps identify early on if...
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    Beginner investor using Sharesies. seeking advice

    @isaiahvega There isn't a screenshot attached but regardless there is an easier way Only investing in Australia and NZ stocks is nowhere near diversified enough given it is a miniscule % of the world...
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    Tax help for superannuation

    @zuly His PIR for this new tax year will be based on his taxable income in the last 2 years so you can't just pick 17.5% at random.