Search results

  1. G

    Us “poors” can’t get a real doctor anymore and finding a NP isn’t easy either.

    @teelea68 I'd recommend searching for a residents' clinic. They usually have a lot of openings. Downsides are that appointments might take a while, the doctors are still being trained and chances are low that you'd see the same resident for subsequent visits. Upsides are availability and that...
  2. G

    How to go about getting coverage?

    @markwilliams If you really don't want your job's insurance, go to and shop for a plan there. Unfortunately, since your job offers insurance, you cannot get any subsidies (assuming your job's insurance meets the minimum requirements for minimum value and affordability, which most...
  3. G

    Delivering at hospital that’s out-of-network?

    @ngocvncom Couldn't OP run into an issue with pregnancy on her father's insurance plan? I thought plans are obligated to cover pregnancy/birth/related costs but only for the named insured and spouse, not for dependents. I may be wrong though.
  4. G

    Which plan to choose?

    @littie The fact that office visits are covered with just a copay (not subject to the deductible) is a huge plus for OAP if you think you’ll have a lot of office visits (other than the preventive schedule). Same with lab work, urgent care, even ER.