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  1. T

    Is Health Insurance Really Necessary?

    @verbum Great. But what's your plan if your kid breaks a bone over summer vacation? Or gets run over by an uninsured driver? What if your family gets hit by a drunk and uninsured driver tomorrow? What if your kid wakes up on Halloween with appendicitis?
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    Should I quit my job to get the medication I need because my insurance through my employer is denying and delaying a med that my Medicaid approved?

    @hollybrown OP is a Medicaid recipient so the pharmacy cannot take her as a cash customer,
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    Personal Injury from D.U.I. Driver

    @jamesbook Then OP would be much better off without a lawyer if the other party carries the state minimums here.
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    I negotiated 1k+ on my gross ACV for my totaled car

    @daluckyboy It was actually the normal good advice from this sub that got the OP the additional $1k because they did exactly what we tell them to do-compare the comps to their car and point out any mistakes/missing features etc to the adjuster.
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    Can I get a rental car by myself now and ask for reimbursement later?

    @jonkaro No $25k is the total limit for the damages for all 3 vehicles involved. So I would not rent a car with the expectation of being reimbursed.
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    Dentists Office Charging after Stating They Were In Network

    @megbot It was actually your responsibly to contact Delta to verify the provider you chose was in network.
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    Can I get a rental car by myself now and ask for reimbursement later?

    @jonkaro The danger here is that multiple cars are involved. Do you know the drivers policy limits? Because if their policy limits aren't high enough to cover everyone's damages you may not be reimbursed by liberty mutual. If you have collision and rental coverage you should use your own insurance.
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    Employer says I own them $2800+ for health insurance premiums

    @ccld This is just for FMLA. OP took non-FMLA for 8 weeks so their employer can charge the full premium during that time.
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    Need Advice: Paid $4,500 Out-of-Network, Insurance Authorized but Only Covered $1,199 - How to Get Reimbursed?

    @peruss You don't. A pre authorization doesn't guarantee payment. You went out of network so you have no leverage here.
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    Ad&D claim: waiting for decision

    @quez The insurance company isn't stupid and your argument won't work.