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  1. A

    Ad&D claim: waiting for decision

    @quez Yes, I am liability claims adjuster for an insurance company. Insurance claims are all the same in the fact that a claim requires evidence and must be proven. If you want any chance of proving your claim, you may want to look at your dad's phone log and see if there are any phone calls to...
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    Ad&D claim: waiting for decision

    @quez You would have to prove that he was performing occupational duties. That means you would have to have a client corroborate that he was at the bar doing such. A claim that he was working at a bar at 1 AM performing realtor duties has to be substantiated. While I do not know anything about...
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    Ad&D claim: waiting for decision

    @quez I don't know anything about these policies (I do commercial auto claims.) I feel like your fears are justified. Being at a bar at 1 AM does not sound like an occupational activity, unfortunately. Even if he worked via the phone conducting his real estate affairs, I don't think you could...