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    Is BRKb a better option than a S&P etf?

    @budis10 Oh sad, had not heard that.
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    Is BRKb a better option than a S&P etf?

    @louismartin That would be my concern and I don’t know why somebody would take that gamble with their life savings when there are options like JAM or ETFs out there.
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    Is BRKb a better option than a S&P etf?

    @organicqueen These two articles might be worth a look - . Just one opinion obviously, but some interesting...
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    Don't like how Ireland taxes investments? Now's your chance to do something about it!

    @gardenlady Which it is to be fair. But suggestions to reduce DIRT, reduce CGT, reduce Exit Tax to CGT rates etc. would all be much bigger gifts to the better off who earn very significantly more in these tax regimes than the average person tends to. I think an ISA scheme is a good...
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    Don't like how Ireland taxes investments? Now's your chance to do something about it!

    @gardenlady I think you'd be better off leaving this out of your submission. What you're effectively asking is that the government become an investment partner with you in the hopes of them raising more tax revenue in the much longer-term. A sovereign wealth fund with Joe Public as the...
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    31K in Debt - How can I climb out of this debt hole?

    @yesushidao Family of four and we spent 550 in Lidl last month. We’re in the fortunate position that we don’t pay much attention to what goes in the trolley, so there is wine and copious amounts of fairly expensive berries etc for the kids in there. I can absolutely see how you could spend 350...
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    Considering a career change and probable paycut, looking for advice on things to be aware of

    @goatsandroses Would you consider saying to your employer that you like the company, like the work, are happy with the pay, but you’re struggling with the work/life balance and are considering changing career, however you’d prefer not to if things can change? Maybe you could get the hours down...
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    Pension Fund Advice

    @winginit This is 100% what you should go with. That’s a long way down the road, but FWIW you would not be doing that if you were 5-10 years from retirement today. These days nobody really buys annuities, instead you convert your pension into an ARF which is basically exactly the same with...