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  1. H


    @psalms91lady What if I have sold majority of my stocks few months ago and currently only having gold etf and the rest in usd? So do I pay 2.5% of the etf value or 2.5% of my whole account or 2.5% of the gold etf and the profits from my previous selling of stocks?
  2. H


    Assalamualaikum. I’m a uni student with some investments. Wanted to clarify some things regarding zakat. So do I have to pay 2.5% of my investments or 2.5% of all my savings and investments? I do not work so all my savings and investments come from my parents. I understand there’s a seperate...
  3. H

    I need help in halal investing

    @sbmor777 Sorry what are Amana funds?
  4. H

    What Sharia Compliant Fund / ETF are you invested in currently?

    @coelohim I try my best to avoid these companies whenever I can, buy from local brands, boycott those who openly support Isreal
  5. H

    What Sharia Compliant Fund / ETF are you invested in currently?

    @coelohim Very difficult to find a shariah compliant etf that does not have companies that openly support Isreal. No point in being shariah complaint if you support genocide