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  1. M

    A year late but here's my Google Sheets + Forms budget/expense tracker

    @10ringshooter From my own itch for categorizing and tagging all my expense data I've come to realize that entries like Paytm and other wallets are a big PITA - it usually just indicates that you spent money via Paytm - but not what you actually spent it on. The UI Paytm has for getting old...
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    PSA for PPF investors: Invest INR 1.5L before April 5th to avail maximum interest for the FY.

    @namelessempire87 You can put 500 and get the same benefits.
  3. M

    Long term mutual fund other than Parag Parikh for consolidation

    @splinter215 Indian funds report performance after deducting expenses, if a fund with higher expenses performed better than one with a lower expense, it is a win.
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    What is the illogical reason behind hospital room tariff and other charges?

    @fejesusor The analogy is not good - rates of the 3-Star and 5-Star rooms may differ, but if you go to the same restaurant to eat the same food made in the same kitchen and served by the same staff, pricing the experience differently doesn't make sense.