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  1. E

    Is 30% of savings worth it if I’m stressing out too much?

    @reallylongnickname When I was 25 I think I saved too much for age, always have a goal in mind to shock the world/people around by ultimately saved up to 8 figures. But then COVID hit, I regret saving too much because I missed out all the fun in 20s Lesson of story is money couldn't be created...
  2. E

    I'll make RM2mil from selling my business, how do I achieve financial freedom?

    @zainonechia Hindsight is 20/20. Without FB and their diverse team of data scientists to sieve through users data and targeted ads, instagram would be worth 1/10 today than when was sold. The founder knew, because apps like Snapchat and vine was rising fast back then