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  1. M

    Who is buying 1 year Corporate bonds when treasuries pay more?

    @grebel If you look at Fidelity's brokered CDs, you can find FDIC insured CDs at 5.35% that pay monthly. The catch is that they are long term(10+ years) AND callable, meaning if interest rates go down, the bank can pay them off early to avoid further interest. So you are taking all of the...
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    S&P 500 is down 1.9% for the year

    @moonphantom And some people will make money
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    My Investment Checklist - Version 0

    @loveofourlord Yeah. To the shareholder, a buyback is the effective equivalent of issuing a dividend, but all shareholders reinvesting the dividend in shares by default. The problem I have with buybacks as a shareholder is there generally isn't enough transparency around buybacks - companies...
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    Received DSP invitation today. Why I've decided not to participate

    @corbco I reached the same conclusion. I was originally wondering if I could buy at IPO price and flip it. But after seeing how high the valuation is, I realize it's just them trying to cash out while convincing Redditors they're getting an "exclusive deal". So I decided to pass.
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    What's your theory for why U.S. junk bonds (e.g., $HYG) are outperforming U.S. equities (e.g., $SPY)?

    @andyprior Falling interest rates good for bonds, in general Federal reserve is going to be indirectly buying corporate bonds, driving values up Bondholders get priority during bankrupcy before equity holders.
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    Future of retail investing w/ETFs & Index Funds

    @mbm_kdm In theory, if the market was rational, we wouldn't see a crash until the fed raises interest rates such that fixed income provides a higher yield than equities. As it stands now, you buy the S&P500 and it yields more than 10 year treasuries, and that's assuming dividends never grow.