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    How can I be tax savvy to avoid 33% CTG on stocks

    @glowing You probably won’t be rich at 30 from investing unless you got incredibly lucky on high risk investments. Compounding takes years and years to work properly for the broad market even if it’s all tax free
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    Are Irish government bonds tax free?

    @seth504 But the state savings are a fraction of the return you get on the Irish government bonds…
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    Are Irish government bonds tax free?

    If I were to buy a 1 year Irish government bond and received 4% interest at maturity. Is this all tax free? If this is the case not sure why it’s not more recommended on this sub hell even buying stocks would be about 9% but taxed at 41% so really only 5.3% after tax + a tonne of risk and...
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    Wise to move out?

    @sheenask Parents are going to love this deal 😂
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    Wise to move out?

    @resjudicata I feel like you get a bit more for rent when you move out than people realise tbh. When you have your own place or even sharing with housemates who are a similar age and vibe. You’re less likely to feel the need to get out of the house and you’re more likely to stay in chillin
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    Wise to move out?

    @inthefathershouse Don’t really get this stereotype tbh. Just because accountants do audit, taxes and stuff doesn’t mean they have to be stingy af
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    Don't like how Ireland taxes investments? Now's your chance to do something about it!

    @tapedrawing Reality is the country is very expensive to run and money has to come from somewhere. I think that there should be a tax free amount for DIRT similar to CGT but then you pay a tax