Search results

  1. P

    Non-Occupant Rental Insurance Mandatory or not?

    @mightygodam If you have a mortgage, you will need insurance as the mortgagee will need to be listed. Your condo corp will have insurance, but it will not cover everything. Yes, you need insurance. And you should get your tenant to have insurance as well because YOUR insurance generally will...
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    Product Liability Insurance

    @soul5 What province are you in? My company would take this risk on and I can DM you an office near you if you are willing to share where you are.
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    Car insurance companies you recommend?

    @ktipton You'll need a licensed driver on the insurance policy no matter where you go. You'll have to call around. Insurance doesn't rate higher for G1 but they do for G2.
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    Specific car insurance question

    @kema1212 I'm in ON so not sure if this is helpful for you. But you both need to be listed as drivers on each others policies to be covered. If you are not listed as a driver and you are driving your husbands vehicle the claim will be on HIM not YOU. Also, if it comes out in the claims process...
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    Help with South Africans trying to bridge insurance qualifications.

    @wsb Where abouts in Ontario are you? I know the company I work for is desperately hiring right now. Private Message me if you don't want to publicly say where you are. :) I have quite a few contacts in different areas in my company and would be happy to help how I can.
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    Personal and Commercial insurance question.

    @afriend333 This to me sounds like you have a fleet policy, without actually looking at your policy that's what I would assume. But to have 2 separate policies for one veh sounds sketchy. If I were you I would take your policies into another company, explain what you do and what you have and ask...
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    Insurance for shipping used car. Seller in ON. Buyer in BC.

    @missjo the buyer needs to call his own insurance company and have it insured before taking it away. As long as he signs the back of it under BUYER and you sign it under SELLER that is good enough for an insurance company to put it on his insurance
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    Window Egress + Home Insurance

    @domsoma Perfect. Like I said, chances are they won’t be bothered about it. If you are doing construction and won’t be living in the home for more than 60 days, ask them for a “short term vacancy” rider or a “under construction” rider. If you are staying in the home while the repairs are done...
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    Insurance broker (RIBO) worth it?

    @kaitlynn Well, you can take exam without having a job but to be registered, you need to be sponsored by a company. You can't work without having the license registered. So you can't just.... be a broker on your own. You may be able to find a part time job but in this industry that's extremely...
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    Insurance claim for windshield?

    @grandma26 I would go with what they say. You might have accident protection and that’s why it won’t effect your premiums
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    Leasing a new car and had a ticket, but my insurance company did not ask about convictions should i tell them?

    @blaire I'm in Ontario, we run MVR's before every renewal. So it'll come up at some point whether you tell them or not.
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    Question about Fault and Deductible on auto accident

    @savedbygrace94 Is she 100% at fault or 50%? From the description it sounds like she bumped into the other car when it was trying to pass? That’s why she’s at fault, she was behind him and hit him when she should have stopped. Logically the other driver shouldn’t have been trying to pass her...
  13. P

    Help with South Africans trying to bridge insurance qualifications.

    @wsb start applying to jobs. Most insurance companies right now pay for new staff to take the course to get licensed. It also depends on what province you're in. In Canada, insurance licenses are restricted to each province. For example, I'm in Ontario and my license is called OTL. I was not...
  14. P

    Window Egress + Home Insurance

    @domsoma I am a licensed insurance advisor in Ontario. If you are able to provide some kind of proof that the work is in the works of being completed, it will be fine. Most insurance companies won’t even ask about it. So don’t bring it up unless the ask. But make sure to have proof that work...
  15. P

    Personal and Commercial insurance question.

    @afriend333 do you have a commercial policy or a commercial auto policy? They're two separate things. If you were my client, I would set you up with a commercial liability policy for your business and then I would write you an auto policy that has stated 50% business use. Are you saying that...
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    Insurance broker (RIBO) worth it?

    @kaitlynn It's not really a side job kinda deal...
  17. P

    Insurance claim for windshield?

    @grandma26 Without knowing what is written in your policy... yes your premiums may go up. Windshield repairs, no, windshield replaced, yes. Depending on your deductible and how much it costs to replace it, might be worth it to pay out of pocket.
  18. P

    Insurance for visitors?

    @nguyenvantrinh Desjardins offers health insurance. And they are in Quebec :)