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    I do not understand investing, like at all

    @sophiaaihpos Not even 5 minutes ago I was reading a thread where someone found out their parents kept $20k cash in a safe deposit box since the 70s. Had that money been invested in an index fund it would be worth over a million today without adding a single penny and reinvesting the dividends...
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    Looking for opinions on shared finances in my relationship

    @theologypoet Then it’s not all “our money”. Why does he feel that he needs to bank money separately. You say you manage the finances, do you have the final say in money management decisions?
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    10 Years of Personal Finance Advice in under 10 minutes

    @seekeroftruth343 Lost me at Dave Ramsey. He’s got good tips for people who need a hard and fast guide to get their spending under control. But his strategies are garbage for building and maintaining wealth. If you’re not starting out buried in debt, his strategies can harm rather than help...
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    I was given $200k, what should I do?

    @jowel Like $5k. Enough to really have some fun especially in relation to the full amount but not enough to get into too much trouble.
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    I was given $200k, what should I do?

    @jilleighan7 Some of the best advice. In order. Pay down high interest debt. Take a small amount as fun money. Put the rest in a HYSA for 6 months before making any more moves so you have time to think it over and not do anything impulsive.
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    Hooray you’re middle class in Texas!

    @pchris I can take my family of 4 to Roadhouse for $75.
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    Hooray you’re middle class in Texas!

    @pchris Depending on how old the teens are they can get jobs to offset some of those costs. And they tend to be pretty independent. Unlike small children who require you to be at their beck and call like the tiny tyrants they are.
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    Hooray you’re middle class in Texas!

    @pchris Do they know that? Cause mine doesn’t know that.
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    Getting gifted a decent amount of money, can I afford a house?

    @snervel Wait until she graduates to look at buying. You guys might find that her job prospects are better somewhere other than where you are now.