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    How can I make sure that I am getting the best bond interest rate with my bank?

    @danmillward I never said I was advising OP. I was saying it’s not always better
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    How can I make sure that I am getting the best bond interest rate with my bank?

    @danmillward Ok let’s take your example and explain it with a varying salary. Say a basic of R15k a month, but on average you earn R30k in commission. So I’m an average month you earn R45k so you can afford the R15k a month payment. However this is on average. There might be a period of 6...
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    How can I make sure that I am getting the best bond interest rate with my bank?

    @danmillward If you take it off the capital it lowers your instalment but you no longer have access (well easy access). I fully understand that this is excess payments. All I’m saying is for some people it makes more sense to have a lower instalment than a shorter loan. This can be a huge...
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    How can I make sure that I am getting the best bond interest rate with my bank?

    @danmillward True, but not everyone can afford the higher payment so knocking down the instalment is a plus. I am one of those people, I’m in sales so my salary varies a lot. So I pump my commissions off my capital so instalments are less for months I have to live off my basic.
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    How can I make sure that I am getting the best bond interest rate with my bank?

    @danmillward But you’ll still have the higher monthly payment. If they have to have a lower payment then pay deposit, if not don’t
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    Airbnb tax implications

    @frb Have you considered the risk vs return? My house is in Harties and I’ve considered Airbnb and moving but it just doesn’t make financial sense for me. Would be better to sell the place and put the money in to retail bonds and have much lower risk and less stress