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  1. D

    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @dougthebicycle This guy’s either a troll or a bachelor who has no clue how much it costs to have a family in Vancouver. Also I’m assuming you’d like a decent quality of life in Vancouver, which this guy clearly does not care about.
  2. D

    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @wviolet With a family of 5 with children too young to go to school, needing to get into a rental big enough for 5 (3bed at least) at current market prices?
  3. D

    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @bulldogbrian Ah I missed that part!
  4. D

    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @kash OP has a 1 yo and 4 yo, who will need childcare.. that is a substantial cost also, around another $3-4k a month possibly.
  5. D

    Is gross income 100,000CAD yr good enough to raise a family in B.C.?

    @dougthebicycle $100k HHI for a family of 5 in the Greater Vancouver region will not be a great quality of life. Unless your wife works, I really don’t suggest trying to support a family of 5 on $100k in Greater Vancouver. For reference a townhouse rental would be around $3-4k per month in...