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    401k In-Plan Roth Conversion 1099-R with no taxable amount

    @gramm15 Is the box that says “taxable amount not determined” also checked? Ultimately it’s on you to make sure it’s reported correctly on your Form 1040 as taxable income
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    34 y/o f, divorced, playing retirement planning catchup

    @metaole For backdoor Roth it’s preferred to leave old employer accounts where they were rather than rolling over, as having pre tax dollars in IRAs makes backdoor Roth tax inefficient and thus not typically recommended in that case - look up the pro rata rule - covered in the Cautions section...
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    34 y/o f, divorced, playing retirement planning catchup

    @metaole Is the 27k all in traditional IRA or is it any of it in a Roth IRA? If all traditional where did it come from? It is from an old rollover or from prior year contributions? You’re not getting a deduction on those traditional IRA contributions given your income and having a retirement...
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    I opened a traditional IRA, now I’m not sure what’s next….

    @ulrichgood Yea you’ll need to invest within the IRA yourself - a target date fund or three fund portfolio based on your age and risk tolerance are recommended for retirement savings
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    I opened a traditional IRA, now I’m not sure what’s next….

    @ulrichgood A Roth IRA is not through your employer, did you mean Roth 401k?
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    401(k) "after-tax" contributions

    @robderron Verify if your employer matches after-tax contributions, and/or if they true up the match, those would be caveats for how to contribute throughout the year to avoid missing out on any matching if you max out the pre-tax+Roth portion early Check if your 401k plan allows for...
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    Do IRAs or HSAs count against IRS 415(c) contribution limit?

    @cheminsky No HSA and IRA contributions do not count against the 69k limit
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    I was given $200k, what should I do?

    @jilleighan7 Start with the r/personalfinance windfall wiki page and their prime directive: