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  1. S

    Looking for advice for 50 y/o father

    @abigail8290 Are you getting ins for him bcuz he doesn’t have any, at all? Most his age have coverage thru an employer, if so perhaps see if he can get a higher face value. Just a side note, if you don’t have ins, perfect time to get it while you’re young & possibly healthy. Hoping all work...
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    Company won’t give me (named beneficiary) any information

    @dri You may want to contact your state’s insurance commisioner for assistance. Unless there’s unusual cirmcumstances, policy has to be paid within 30 days. If you’re not in the US, contact your elected representative for guidance.
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    Preliminary Death Certificate

    @xuanphung Sorry for your loss. Only the insurance company can say for sure if they’ll accept a preliminary. Also, see if you can see whats in your policy. Do you have an agent that can assist?
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    Becoming a Canadian Life Insurance Agent

    @hiennhan12 See @shatteredparadigm comment. Hope this helps. Edit: format
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    Life Insurance, Do i need it? What type of policies are good? Should i wait to get other things in life done?

    @21chicken Insurance is to cover a loss. Think of it the same way you do about auto, homeowner’s ins, if something happens, the ins can cov the loss. If no one is depending on you or your salary, you probably don’t need insurance. If something were to happen to you today, how will your...