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  1. F

    A woman lost her $823,000 injury claim after lawyers found a photo of her winning a Christmas-tree-throwing competition

    @gtaylor777 I had a string of bad luck (brachial neuritis, triggering tendonitis in three spots for three years, last half of those falling down the stairs and bouncing the elbow all the way down and an ac separation shortly after that was misdiagnosed and mistreated for months) and it...
  2. F

    State Farm Fined $4 Million by Montana Insurance Commissioner related to Private Passenger Auto Claims.

    @gilcollect My dad had a horrible experience with Allstate and he was the policy holder. I couldn't believe it could even be possible bad. One of those very rare times where the threat of a lawyer caused a fast turnaround and a new adjuster, probably because there's no way the insurance...
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    A woman lost her $823,000 injury claim after lawyers found a photo of her winning a Christmas-tree-throwing competition

    @leroyberry Which can suck. There was a woman years ago on the same forum I was, suffering from major depression. Her doctor told her to go on a vacation because a different physical location might help her mood, alleviate some of the depression. She was denied disability because her mood was...
  4. F

    State Farm Fined $4 Million by Montana Insurance Commissioner related to Private Passenger Auto Claims.

    @sevenout03 Seeing how an itty bitty ac separation caused simply by rolling over in bed turned into a 9 month nightmare of healing, I don't see why sprains and strains should be dismissed so easily.