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    Lisa vs. Pension vs. S&S - for first time buyer (above 450K)

    @nxcess What’s the time frame for the savings? Will you be buying that house in the next five years or is that a longer term thing? If you are saving for a house and intend to buy within 5 years it best not to have your savings for that in S&S as a crash within the next 5 years could lose you...
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    Pension L&G fund- shall I redistribute allocations of current pot whilst I’m still young ?

    @reowen Yes, you’re at least 20 years off retirement so can take the higher risk investments. It’s safe to go all equities at this point. You can then shift your risk when you are closer to retirement, if you wish. I wouldn’t try to manually allocate across a mix of funds, however. You are...
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    L&G PMC Multi-Asset fund 3 suddenly ballooned

    @shadow2 A diversified fund sacrifices growth for less variability. It means it’s less likely to lose 20%+ in a single year (which seems scary) but also less likely to go up 20%+ in a single year. You also have the issue of the bond market tanking badly as governments rapidly increased...
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    (Mortgage) Thinking about renting out property and extracting equity to buy another

    @karla1962 Why wouldn’t your house sell? London property in that range should sell, especially if you’ve had work done. I think being a landlord using debt isn’t that great these days. You now pay income tax on rental income. Unlikely you’re doing this with a London property if you’re not a...