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  1. R

    Is it bad to ask for a pay raise with a competitor's offer?

    @billyboy Need to be careful with this advice. Jumping around every 12-18 months makes you look like a potential flight risk. It may depend on the industry and the role but companies will question why you move around so much so quickly. I find the sweet spot to be 2-3 years. Also, need to be...
  2. R

    Is it bad to ask for a pay raise with a competitor's offer?

    @blakebaka You're so quick to criticise you're not even reading what I wrote. I'm not saying don't advocate for yourself. You advocate for yourself during the interview and if you're good, you can negotiate specific pay increases or bonuses for the next 1-2 years. If not, then you're stuck at...
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    Is it bad to ask for a pay raise with a competitor's offer?

    @blakebaka Make it a pattern and they simply won't even bother interviewing you. No company wants to waste money and resources on boarding someone that is going to leave in a year's time before they proved their worth. Next time you go for an interview, why don't you tell them upfront that...
  4. R

    Is it bad to ask for a pay raise with a competitor's offer?

    @allenschwartzmd You also have to remember the reason why you were considering leaving. If it was just pay-related, then you'll be fine. But if it were for other reasons like career progression or learning, nothing would have changed with you taking the counteroffer, and you might regret not...