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    How to prevent surcharge?

    @jacquelineblessedangel As they say on wallstreetbets and fire subs: congratulations and fuck you! Such is the 1st world pain of high salaries. I just got my bonus as well, and it was so much lesser than expected, thanks to the 34.2% tax rate.
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    How to get out of cheap mindset?

    @calebsg That is a great tool. I personally double the number on weekends, to avoid the trap of losing time on the weekend just cos I'm not actively earning money.
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    How to get out of cheap mindset?

    @lauriesinglemom To be fair, this is her own money she's spending. Not a gold digger situation
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    How to get out of cheap mindset?

    @jclarke This is very hard to teach yourself. My financial situation is in the same ballpark, and i finally have been able to break out of the scarcity mindset that i grew up with. My partner was a great help in this: she grew up much richer than i did, and there is a strong sense of...
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    Did I invest in right mutual funds and stocks?

    @love001 Yup, holding and buying lumpsums after the pandemic crash contributed to a lot of the gains
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    Did I invest in right mutual funds and stocks?

    @love001 Think it's about 14-15, over the last 6 years
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    Did I invest in right mutual funds and stocks?

    @mexican30 Parag parikh flexi 50% index. 20% active, rest debt
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    Did I invest in right mutual funds and stocks?

    @mexican30 Frees up mental space. I dropped all my personal picks, and put it all into index funds and one actively traded fund. Portfolio in the 8 figures. My CAGR has grown a lot. Plus, am able to focus on work, which is far more lucrative. More than diversification, i think this is a...