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  1. J

    My strategy & help needed: how to invest 190k with a horizon of 3-6 years + 2-4k a month in the long term

    @hailsatan420 Eh, I wish I had money enough to justify anon accounts. I just read the similar message from anOP on our Italian sub. Edit: add link
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    Feedback on how to invest 60k

    @pat4jesus How do they specifically tax accumulation? Are gains from ETF not considered capital gain?
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    My strategy & help needed: how to invest 190k with a horizon of 3-6 years + 2-4k a month in the long term

    @hailsatan420 Somewhere between Switzerland and Malta, bound countries excluded.
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    Advice needed how to invest 80k

    @empie0750 I am on mobile now, but have you checked ?
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    Is it wise to change this strategy? VWCE vs Portu

    @workinprogress89 Hence my sarcastic reply. The point is you are comparing orange and apples, a portfolio with a 32% annualized performance since 2018 is already way ahead of a VWCE based portfolio, the 1% fee is negligible in the choice. The real point is that those two likely do not have the...
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    Feedback on how to invest 60k

    @malina22 I know how the halving and generation works, I always failed to understand the correlation with price action. Scarcity or less availability would only make price rise up if demand would stay strong but considering bitcoin never got a "currency role" status and has mostly been a...
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    Feedback on how to invest 60k

    @malina22 I would be very happy for bitcoiners but what would the reason for that ever be? Also with that specific timing.
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    Is it wise to change this strategy? VWCE vs Portu

    @workinprogress89 Wow, that sounds sustainable!
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    Feedback on how to invest 60k

    @malina22 RemindMe! December 31st, 2024
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    Should I take a bank loan at max 2% interest to repay my UK student loan (7.6%)?

    @vengeanceismine I am no Math PhD but a 2% max rate is better than a variable one currently at 7.6%. I do not see the drawback of getting the new loan unless you plan not to pay the old one (I guess the 30 years mention meant that).
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    300k to invest, lump sum or dca? VWCE or VUAA?

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    300k to invest, lump sum or dca? VWCE or VUAA?

    @saharali1991 Only if you go lump sum.
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    Does moderately overweighting Eurozone stocks as an Eurozone investor make any sense?

    @leentee1525 You mean don't believe anybody but trust RandomEuroGuy on Reddit? That apart is your statement backed by some evidence or is it a personal opinion? I too by listening to RR had the idea that half home bias half International had better performance in backtests in the mentioned...
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    300k to invest, lump sum or dca? VWCE or VUAA?

    @saharali1991 Thanks to OP's attempt at timing the market I am now more hopeful VWCE will close the year at 20%+. Our eurotendies salute you, OP! 🕑💹🫡
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    Trade Republic, I withdrawed 2€ to my bank account and received only 0,01€

    @talwinstark Randomly throw "scam" in the post ✅