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  1. H

    Debt Collection - what to do

    @percyk I work in finance and am familiar with mortgages. You absolutely will be able to get one, don't stress!
  2. H

    Debt Collection - what to do

    @percyk You will need to have it paid off before pursuing a mortgage. Once your credit bureau shows it is paid and your credit is at least 630, you're good to go, but wait until you score is at least 720 to get better rates. The debt collectors can not remove it from the bureaus, only show it...
  3. H

    Debt Collection - what to do

    @percyk It's OK, you're not dumb! We all make mistakes. Don't answer any of their calls. They will call you as much as they are legally allowed as it's just part of the job description. *I briefly worked as a debt collector. It's the worst. But I was also very good at it. Call them when you...
  4. H

    Debt Collection - what to do

    @percyk Once the collection is paid, you will be fine to get a mortgage. Don't worry... you haven't ruined your life forever. The credit collectors have a 99% chance of veing shitty to you. It's their job to inspire fear in you so you pay faster. They work on commission. Don't let it rattle...