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    How to not get ruined with options - Part 2 of 4

    @reinaldolevy Thank you for the kind words! Appreciated.
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    How to not get ruined with options - Part 2 of 4

    @bankkyjb Yes, the best would be a short straddle or strangle (see part 3b). It is not without risk though, esp. in this market. Although, if I had to guess there is more downside risk right now than upside risk, so it may not be too bad. But, heh, what do I know?
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    How to not get ruined with options - Part 2 of 4

    @thatguy3 Good question, I read a bit more into it, and it is a bit unclear. The answers I found say it follows OIC and brokers policy, it is mostly random allocation, but can also be first-in first-out. So it depends? :)
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    How to not get ruined with options - Part 2 of 4

    @redeemedbutterfly It is a learning experience. Hopefully you’ll learn a thing or two with these posts.
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    How to not get ruined with options - Part 2 of 4

    @andrew0426 Great catch, thank you! Fixed.
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    How to not get ruined with options - Part 2 of 4

    @zaynjavvad Awesome insight. Thank you! Your comment matches your name. lol Yeah, I always close or roll my options to avoid being caught off guard. I experimented with stock pinning a couple of time on expiration day, but it is way too much stress for me. :) I’ll rephrase that once I am done...
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    How to not get ruined with options - Part 2 of 4

    @texasangel1983 Thank you! Yeah @thelightisshiningbrightly-gamma made a similar comment. I will rephrase. I naturally avoid the last days before expiration, so I forgot to talk about it.
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    How to not get ruined with options - Part 2 of 4

    @makesense114 Oops, yeah, good point. Fixed! Thank you!
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    How to not get ruined with options - Part 2 of 4

    Post 1: Basics: CALL, PUT, exercise, ITM, ATM, OTM Post 2: Basics: Buying and Selling, the Greeks Post 3a: Simple Strategies Post 3b: Advanced Strategies Post 4a: Example of trades (short puts, covered calls, and verticals) Post 4b: Example of trades (calendars and hedges) --- This is a...
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    An Evaluation of TSLA; What Value can it Realistically Reach this Decade?

    @dashestoashes Correct. The bigger the market and market share, the harder it is to sell. Tesla fans already bought their cars, to reach mass market (like Toyota) they need to please to a lot more people that are not thinking about buying a Tesla today. It is going to be an uphill battle, with...