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  1. S

    G&M: RRSPs are getting a bum rap as a tax trap

    @mtainmn43 TBH, a mixture of both is ideal for 90% of people in a position to save at all. Flexibility is good.
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    Advice appreciated (25 y/o F in Toronto)

    @samsam53 Investing is good, and mathematically you'd get the best expected long-term returns by going stock-heavy, but you need to be comfortable with it or you may have a really unpleasant experience. Lots of people think they're risk-tolerant, buy 100% stocks, and then a crash happens, they...
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    Canadian starting online sales in North America - where to incorporate? Please Help with Tax Treatment

    @orthodoxcrusaderuk This. I'm a financial professional, and I wouldn't touch this with a ten-foot pole, because it's outside my expertise. Call the IRS and ask for help on US taxation. Use some manner of business sales tax software to calculate taxes. And hire a good incorporation lawyer to...