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    Rent vs. Buy - Is my math correct? Am I missing anything? (An Analytical Approach)

    @usmc0811 I dont know about that. I dont think I would get much psychological benefit knowing all my eggs are in one little basket and a huge debt waiting to be paid every pay cheque without fail. I have seen thousands of examples of people in NZ having all those eggs cracked for many reasons...
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    Rent vs. Buy - Is my math correct? Am I missing anything? (An Analytical Approach)

    @justone "shit happened" with his investments doesnt matter either as he likely wont have any debt on his investments. And if he has taken debt on them - he would have well outstripped anything you made on your house over the last 20 years by orders of magnitude. If it is in a bad shape after...
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    Rent vs. Buy - Is my math correct? Am I missing anything? (An Analytical Approach)

    @nathanjs Its not a requirement. But most people get it. Due to to the enormous debt people take on nowadays due to house prices. And if they dont, they are utter sitting ducks who could easily face bankruptcy under a multitude of different scenarios, collectively of which, one has a high...
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    Rent vs. Buy - Is my math correct? Am I missing anything? (An Analytical Approach)

    @turboizak Yep I think your math makes sense. Except its actually quite generous to housing. I think the 4k per annum is way too low for the non mortgage expenses of home owning. - Rates are around 2.5k. - Insurance has increased a lot recently. So thats likely another 3k. - Most people...
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    I have been spending 60% of my wage on nothing for 8 years

    @jeplet Well done. Its good you have realised this. Just be careful not to transfer those savings into something else wasteful.
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    Here's my budget spreadsheet for anyone interested

    @christopher30 Cool. Thanks for sharing. I like what you have done with your spreadsheets!
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    Thoughts on Dave Ramsay’s Baby Steps in an NZ context?

    @robbentley Probably. Not sure about the saving for children's college fund though. I also think fifteen percent sounds too light for retirement saving, especially if you want more options and to have mini retirements or retire early or work pt time. Same in US though.
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    Rent vs. Buy - Is my math correct? Am I missing anything? (An Analytical Approach)

    @gamebai886 Depends how financially disciplined you are I guess.
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    Rent vs. Buy - Is my math correct? Am I missing anything? (An Analytical Approach)

    @cfitz I dont know how you can say interest rates have nothing to do with inflation when it is unfolding right before our eyes. While the debt decreases in real terms, the interest rates increase and its cost increase. Property buyers in NZ like to gamble on property as much as possible and go...
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    Rent vs. Buy - Is my math correct? Am I missing anything? (An Analytical Approach)

    @gamebai886 The principal will go down with inflation. But the interest rates will rise with inflation. As will insurance, rates, BC fees (if any) and all the repairs and maintenance. Meanwhile, while renting, due to significantly lower expenses you can grow a substantial asset portfolio which...
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    Rent vs. Buy - Is my math correct? Am I missing anything? (An Analytical Approach)

    @gamebai886 Nothing stops you doing that renting though. You can have flatmates in the rooms just like you can with owning. So I dont think that makes any difference.
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    2nd home options

    @hollywood3307 Depends how much risk you want to take. Honestly, in my opinion, I think you already have a fair amount of debt. If I were in your shoes I would sell the house and then buy another one if you need to upgrade. To carry less debt. Debt is not at all appealing anymore. The low...