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  1. G

    Pension vs. higher salary job

    @gagaermac Pension plus it comes with job security
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    Married 26M LDR, wife wants to be stay at home. Sacrifice paying mortgage early for a kid?

    @light4 We know what a green card is, but your wife doesn’t even have one yet so worrying about how soon she’ll start working is a moot point. I’m not sure how trips back home will help with her transition to the US. And you making contacts at a hospital might be a start at networking but aren’t...
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    Married 26M LDR, wife wants to be stay at home. Sacrifice paying mortgage early for a kid?

    @light4 Dude don’t assume. Figure it out. And even if she’s legally allowed to work, she’ll have no work experience or references in the US. You don’t seem to be conscious of the big adjustments your wife will be going through and how vulnerable she’ll be at first in a new home country. Y’all...
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    Married 26M LDR, wife wants to be stay at home. Sacrifice paying mortgage early for a kid?

    @light4 Can she even legally work with a spouse visa?
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    $235k for family of 4 to live comfortably in top 100 biggest cities!

    @chris0699 This sub is just the same old stuff reposted. This same article has been posted here at least once already. We get it. Middle class is a fantasy. We’re all sad, struggling wage slaves destined to die destitute mid shift on the factory floor with 0 retirement savings.
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    How can I save money

    @mobezom With a baby, you may be able to get WIC which is separate and different from food stamps. Also, see if your kids qualify for free or reduced school lunch. Local food banks and/or food pantries can help you reduce your grocery costs. Look into programs for reduced internet and utilities...
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    Married 26M LDR, wife wants to be stay at home. Sacrifice paying mortgage early for a kid?

    @light4 Where are your retirement contributions and savings? Do you have an emergency fund? Can your wife legally work in the US?
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    @garth428 Hopefully the PSLF path will work for you. Financial stress and burnout are a thing too.
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    @garth428 Inheritance aside, can you do PSLF and get that 150k of loans forgiven? Or will you have a very highly paid job going forward?