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  1. T

    35, 330k NW. At a crossroad and I need advice what's next

    @pixelsage You are completely missing my point. Todays boomers didn't grow up with the internet "allready there", and tech is a very young industry. There are few boomers because few boomers, compared to other industries, made the jump. But in our generation, tech is very big and "everyone"...
  2. T

    Feedback on how to invest 60k

    @pat4jesus Tbh I'm not sure the story is good enough on all those stocks. Do more research, find companys you like and invest. In my country the average ROI on penny stocks and IPOs is negative 50%. Not sure about US on that one. And the 10k into savings, why not buy bonds? Yoy can get US bonds...
  3. T

    35, 330k NW. At a crossroad and I need advice what's next

    @pixelsage What makes you think there is/will be age discrimination in your field? Boomers are discriminatied today buy our generation, but we are no, so I don’t really understand why this is a concern.
  4. T

    Feedback on how to invest 60k

    @devyne This is the truth! Especially picking stocks based on their price alone, almost never a good idea. Also check out Peter lynch if you are serious about investing. He is gonna tell you the same, and also give you his strategy that made the fidelity fund increase in size ten-fold in about a...
  5. T

    Need to park some money over 4 years

    @teressap1 Bonds for the near guaranteed interest, broad market index fund if you want more risk and a higher potential upside. US t-bills are around 5% now, which is really good. If you want more risk I'd go a split between EQQQ (nasdaq 100 index) and MEUD (euro stoxx 600 index).