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  1. T

    What's my next move? ~500k bursary debt

    @doomicross a few things: Minors may not contract without guardians-express or implied consent. Will depend on what you signed up for and how it was done Debt may have prescribed - depends on when it became due and if you have acknowledged the debt at all during this time (3 yrs after became...
  2. T

    What's my next move? ~500k bursary debt

    @ejd of course you can- but credit records can be cleared more easily than R500k debt if you don't have a well earning job
  3. T

    What's my next move? ~500k bursary debt

    @hexhammer after the debt became due, which may or may not have been only after a certain date/time/event. So it could be prescription only started running now/recently
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    What's my next move? ~500k bursary debt

    @tamara05 This just changes the period for prescription to 15 yrs(gov loan debt), but it still prescribes Prescription Act 68 of 1969 s11" Periods of prescription of debts The periods of prescription of debts shall be the following: (a) thirty years in respect of - (i) any debt secured by...
  5. T

    What's my next move? ~500k bursary debt

    @tamara05 Student debt absolutely does prescribe in SA- you are not in the USA- someone sold you big one
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    What's my next move? ~500k bursary debt

    @strongarm5791 acknowledging a debt interrupts prescription