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    Basic salary split into salary+allowance; allowance deducted

    @ryewolf Thank goodness for that; companies like these do not deserve to exist
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    Basic salary split into salary+allowance; allowance deducted

    @kate1989 Part of the terms of this unfavourable contract is that I have to give 3 months' notice AND pay the company a sum equivalent to 6 months' salary to quit before contract expires, which is the only reason I haven't thrown in my notice. I've had some people saying this term is...
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    Basic salary split into salary+allowance; allowance deducted

    @kaity How should I approach a breach of contract? Bring it to the labour board? I have a lawyer friend who advised me that the compensation expected is not worth sueing them over
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    Basic salary split into salary+allowance; allowance deducted

    Hello everyone, I need some advice. I'm currently stuck in an unfavourable contract with 5 more months to serve. One of the terms of the contract states that I should be paid a basic salary of X amount, no allowance memtioned. However, for the past few months, my boss had split X salary into Y...