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  1. P

    Withdraw from flexible ISA with provider A and open a new non-flexible ISA with provider B?

    @boutdatgospel you're fine withdrawing and depositing, snaphunter just doesn't have the right information
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    Energy cost of devices on standby in my home [Updated inc oct price cap]

    @shiercs Apple chargers are also much less than 0.1W as well. I can’t get a reading on my power reader. This is even with a wire plugged in but not connected to the phone/tablet/laptop.
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    Withdraw from flexible ISA with provider A and open a new non-flexible ISA with provider B?

    @shadow2 Currently current tax year contributions (which is what the OP refers to) have to be transferred in full if transferred, but partial ISA transfers of previous tax years contributions are allowed without touching the current tax year contributions. Also refer to my comment about...
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    Withdraw from flexible ISA with provider A and open a new non-flexible ISA with provider B?

    @boutdatgospel edit: This no longer applies for 2024-25 tax year onwards You can withdraw current tax year contributions from a Flexible Cash ISA and put them into a ISA of another type (which Stocks and Shares ISA is) without exceeding the allowance. It just isn't allowed for previous tax...
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    Theoretically, could you use salary sac and pension withdrawal to get around paying back student loan?

    @christianr_ Slight hitch, you can't withdraw from your pension till 55-57 (or older if rules change again) So no use as an emergency pot before then. Any company allowing you to do this will be dodgy and probably take a big fee on top of the 55% to cover their own fine, or worse scam you out...
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    PSA Autumn Statement ISA changes have legislation ready for 6th April now

    We wont be able to contribute new subscriptions to multiple Lifetime ISAs / Junior Cash ISAs / Junior S&S ISAs as those are excluded From the newsletter on the 2nd link
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    PSA Autumn Statement ISA changes have legislation ready for 6th April now

    @clear2learnfaith They weren't planning to legislate for it so soon, just starting a consultation and review period
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    PSA Autumn Statement ISA changes have legislation ready for 6th April now

    @jb21 no, previously you could replace Flexible ISA withdraws of current tax year contributions into another type of ISA (paragraph (2)%C2%A0Subject%20to%20regulation)). That was the intent, and was clearly defined in guidance examples as well. Since it didn't add any ISA manager / HMRC...
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    PSA Autumn Statement ISA changes have legislation ready for 6th April now

    @treyarch1 Although having read more about the partial transfers for current tax year contributions, ISA managers don't have to offer it, and it'll only work when both ISA managers (sender and receiver) support partial transfers. So a potential nightmare of confusion/complaints in store. The...
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    PSA Autumn Statement ISA changes have legislation ready for 6th April now

    @treyarch1 You would yes and with being able to partially ISA transfer that's ok. It's just the replacement of current tax year contributions into another type of ISA helped speed things up. I've had some Cash ISA transfers take only one day recently though.
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    PSA Autumn Statement ISA changes have legislation ready for 6th April now

    ugh this is bad not great, for Flexible ISAs you wont be able to replace current tax year subscriptions into any other ISA than the original edit: however the ability to do partial ISA transfer of current tax year contributions makes up for it.
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    PSA Autumn Statement ISA changes have legislation ready for 6th April now

    @sashieng going back to the source change: and the area it refers to: yes it might be, if the loan was deemed to have a charge over the land, but fine if a gift
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    PSA Autumn Statement ISA changes have legislation ready for 6th April now

    My RSS feed subscription managed to pick up the changes to the ISA legislation, so I've found the Autumn Statement ISA changes will be going ahead. A summary from the change document: These Regulations amend the Individual Savings Account Regulations 1998 by: increasing the age at which a...