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  1. Q

    IBKR vs Pillar 3b

    @georgewaini Are you sure your advisor wasn't talking about 3a? Do you already deposit CHF 7056 yearly into an 3a account?
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    Finpension Global Market ETF (VT - VWRL Clone)

    @gtdispomed9093 Can you use Swissquote or Postfinance? If so, buy FWRA (the mentioned FTSE All-World by Invesco) there.
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    Finpension Global Market ETF (VT - VWRL Clone)

    @gtdispomed9093 What I would do when planning to invest in something like VWRL is to invest in Invesco FTSE All-World (the same index) through neon's ETF savings plan. The ETF's TER is 0.15% (I don't think there's anything comparable that is lower), the ETF is accumulating so no currency...
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    pillar 3a FTSE All-World strategy

    @p1saint2 I have a very similar setup (FTSE All-World with neon, MSCI Quality factor on finpension). Your DM/EM distribution sounds about right (EM are more like 10% though). You could add 2% CH, but you likely have a 2nd pillar (Pensionskasse), which usually has a massive home bias (mine has...
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    I have a 10k fund emergence where do i save it?

    @pitterricherd Reddit being Reddit. IDK.
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    I have a 10k fund emergence where do i save it?

    @toesockshoe Zak, neon or Yuh. Open your account in minutes and transfer the money, done.
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    Started investing in ETFs with neon bank but thinking to switch to degiro or IBKR

    @laynson As I said, they will introduce an automated monthly investment feature, and shares of the Invesco FTSE All-World and Invesco MSCI World ESG bought through that will still cost 0% commission.
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    Doubt over classification as private investor for beginner

    @donnags1964 You're quoting the second criteria wrong. It's not only the investment capital, but ALL capital. So if you have 100k in cash, you can have a transaction volume of up to 500k before it triggers. See here...
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    Any good performing active management fund in Switzerland?

    @jjmaleyscw Most only outperform for a year or two, but not for longer periods. Do you have some examples of funds that "vastly outperform" passive funds over a 25-year period?
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    Started investing in ETFs with neon bank but thinking to switch to degiro or IBKR

    @reveddie As I said, they announced it in a newsletter, not on their website.
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    Started investing in ETFs with neon bank but thinking to switch to degiro or IBKR

    @reveddie From a newsletter they sent a month ago.
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    Started investing in ETFs with neon bank but thinking to switch to degiro or IBKR

    @marymadeleine Depends on where you transfer to. E.g. Swissquote has promotions all the time where they give you transfer costs as trading fee credits.
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    Started investing in ETFs with neon bank but thinking to switch to degiro or IBKR

    @marymadeleine Well, there's no way to know of course. But does it matter? Because you can still switch to another broker at any point in the future should the offer run out (and transfer the assets, no need to sell and re-buy them, or leave them at neon as there are no custody fees).
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    Started investing in ETFs with neon bank but thinking to switch to degiro or IBKR

    @marymadeleine neon will introduce automated monthly investments soon. Some ETFs bought this way will be free (no 0.5% commission), among those the Invesco FTSE All-World.