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  1. K

    Is a pension worth it in this situation?

    @kitty80 Yeah that’s why I mentioned it. It means every single dime of the pension fund other than the tax free lump sum gets taxed at the max.
  2. K

    Is a pension worth it in this situation?

    @kitty80 Rental income and dividend income is personal.
  3. K

    Is a pension worth it in this situation?

    @resjudicata Yeah but this person doesn’t need to take any salary… having 3 highest consecutive years at 133 costs this person about 150k in income tax. The 200 tax free lump some is not worth that.
  4. K

    Is a pension worth it in this situation?

    @resjudicata Thanks for the info. Increasing final salary for the individual (who has very limited salary needs due to the passive income) will incur a lot of additional income tax. So e.g. going from 30k pa salary to say 300k pa final salary will cost 500k in income tax over the three years, so...
  5. K

    Is a pension worth it in this situation?

    A person who already has over 75k per annum in passive income, relatively inflation proofed and indefinite (mix of dividends and rent). Running a business that creates surplus cash. If they invest the surplus business cash in a pension, basically the upside is; - premiums can avoid 12.5%...
  6. K

    Advice on situation

    @mbsantos If you’ve no plans for the cash you are better off leaving it “working for you” in the property.
  7. K

    Lower tax rates? what could go wrong...

    @aldrichenko No I mean 30 years past retirement…!
  8. K

    Lower tax rates? what could go wrong...

    @jenniwrenn One big problem is we have people living 30+ years and their healthcare and pension costs are huge and getting bigger. Someone has to pick up the tab.
  9. K

    Lower tax rates? what could go wrong...

    @jimkarri I hear you and agree. So the solution is more efficient government not tax redistribution.
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    Lower tax rates? what could go wrong...

    @jenniwrenn The bottom line with any tax change is - who do you want to pay less - who do you want to pay more, to cover it