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    How can I be tax savvy to avoid 33% CTG on stocks

    @brobear CGT applies to the sale of a property, not the income. Income tax applies to the rental income
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    How can I be tax savvy to avoid 33% CTG on stocks

    @spinuscyn They mean the disproportionate ownership of housing, what do people need 1, maybe 2 houses? But it’s more like some people have 10, 20, 30 ,50 houses, and others have zero. If the return from the stock market was much clearly higher than the return of owning/renting houses maybe...
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    Update on my Investment Strategy plans as a 26Y/O

    @cee_the_atheist The ARP is some serious tax free cash...
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    Is this a good deal?

    @nguyencuong9102 What else does the employer offer? As that's amazing an amazing match from their side. See my comment on total comp. I think when I worked at a FAANG years ago the match was like 8 and 8, but the rest of the comp outside pension was amazing.
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    Is this a good deal?

    @christine2756 When's it big companies then it's TC overall. Like 40% salary, 10% bonus, 35% stock, 8% pension, then small misc things like health, dental, life insurance, the list goes on. But at smaller companies that don't have the importance assigned to tasks like these they sometimes bump...
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    Renting vs Mortgage (Google Sheet)

    @aybuqui How many years are you renting so far in your life? Personally I rented for 16 years-ish, and maybe moved apartment/house 7-9 times. If there is one thing I learned in those 15 years is that rent is not flat rate, it only goes in one direction which is up. 1500 a month right now in...
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    Is this a good deal?

    @peter1000 10% match would be incredible though, wouldnd it? (AVC limits aside) With 50k earnings, 5k employee, 5k employer match, that would be brilliant. In terms of total compensation I would consider this similar to 55k total comp. 10% of what someone contributes would be terrible. With...
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    Is this a good deal?

    @spinuscyn Same, wasnt trying to disagree with you! :)
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    Is this a good deal?

    @spinuscyn Example, my employer takes 5% of my salary and they contribute 8% additionally to a total of 13%. It's not 13% of MY salary, it's 5%. And at 5% it really only hurts me to about 3% take home, but effectively have contributed 13%. Confused? A point for point match is considered great...
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    Is this a good deal?

    @duke7779 This pension contribution offer is so bad it almost sounds like you've misunderstood it?