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  1. K

    Stopped burying my head. Should i look at an IVA?

    @julia736 I have all the info from them via my clearscore app. Bank with Nationwide who are the only ones who have my new address. I’m really seeking advice on weather I should be looking at an IVA or not?
  2. K

    Stopped burying my head. Should i look at an IVA?

    @julia736 They’re from June last year roughly. Not chasing at present but only because I haven’t updated my address anywhere as I have moved.
  3. K

    Stopped burying my head. Should i look at an IVA?

    @dichthuatmid I’m with you man, appreciate that. I’ll keep the post updated. Thanks for your advice.
  4. K

    Stopped burying my head. Should i look at an IVA?

    @dichthuatmid Yeah tbh until I started going through it I didn’t realise how much I could bang away. I’ve just had a divorce and lost pretty much everything so I do need a few quid for clothes and other bits but £400 a month is easily doable if I buckle down. Sometimes I guess it helps to...
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    Stopped burying my head. Should i look at an IVA?

    @laurapalooza !thanks Honestly, that’s everything I could have asked for in one comment. I’ll get on too step change and go from there. Really appreciate you taking the time to help. I had looked at my income in that sense and divided my spare cash by the amount of debt and got a similar answer.
  6. K

    Stopped burying my head. Should i look at an IVA?

    Hi All, I'm 32 and starting a new chapter in my life. I've NEVER had credit. Abused it as soon as I turned 18 and never got back on the right foot. I was in a high paying sales role which included a company card. I managed to pick up a drug habit and subsequently abused this privilege. I'm 18...