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    Australian Retail Sales MoM (MAY): +16.9%, Forecast: +16.3%, Previous: -17.7%

    @found13 Isn’t that down overall? Is this good news or bad news then?
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    We Have a Problem!

    @anneka One that earns money for the job they chose to do as their profession.
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    Would there be any interest in a PowerShell module for SelfWealth?

    @4lilcubs Testing that one could get tricky. “Ooops! Off by one error in my loop and now I’m broke!”
  4. T

    Would there be any interest in a PowerShell module for SelfWealth?

    @4lilcubs I wanted to analyse the webpages myself to peep at the API calls, is this what you’re doing? All I want is some automation so I can send money to the account, detect it’s above a threshold and buy whatever is undervalued in my portfolio. No different to adding extra contributions to...