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  1. E

    Investing in pension fund or something else for long term?

    @dub_97 Why gbp? Ireland is euro. Where I start from? Sorry I am quite new to this and not really knowledgeable so any help is appreciate it
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    Investing in pension fund or something else for long term?

    @kjs000 Thanks again. I Will do my homework and check the different bond options. I see there are a few discussions here. Just out of curiosity which broker are you using and what bonds did you invest in? Thanks again
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    Investing in pension fund or something else for long term?

    @kjs000 Thanks! Which saving account would you recommend? In that case would you put the spare 10 k into pension fund and benefit from the tax relief and the eventual 4.5% p.a long term?
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    Investing in pension fund or something else for long term?

    I am 34 years old living in Ireland. I am paying off a mortgage and I have 65k in saving atm. I was thinking to invest but I also would like to pay off some mortgage debt in 3 years time when my fix rate comes to an end. So I either invest some of this money for the 3 years period (I guess that...