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  1. V

    Example of returns from apartments

    @everly So just to clarify, with P&I mortgage repayments, and you just chipping in an extra $200 a month to cover the shortfall in mortgage repayments, you’re almost positively geared? And your mortgage principal repayments are included in your calculation for negative/positive nearing? I’m...
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    I guess Brad is joining Rod in retirement

    @share115 Will he be allowed to keep his woolies polo shirt I wonder?
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    Better to pay off credit card or keep saving and maintain CC debt?

    @maksik288 I think you’ll find that if you don’t clear the statement balance by the due date(which OP isn’t doing), there is no longer any interest free period on the card This link explains it:
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    Better to pay off credit card or keep saving and maintain CC debt?

    @rchl3321 I’ve had a credit card since the mid-90s and have worked at all the big 4 banks in my career. Your dad is wrong. Unless you have a special 0% balance transfer/interest rate promotion on the credit card, there is absolutely no advantage in carrying any amount of CC debt across the...
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    Better to pay off credit card or keep saving and maintain CC debt?

    @rchl3321 I don’t think you understand how credit cards work. If you don’t pay off the whole debt by the due date, then you will be getting charged interest at a pretty high rate on the balance. Doesn’t matter if you’re paying over the minimum, if you’re not clearing the whole debt, whatever...
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    *SCAMMER ALERT!* Did I get Fooled or nearly Fooled? What should I do?

    @lovinglife2016 Haha I do the same when I get the ATO version of the scam call, and I actually do work for the ATO, so I’ll mention to the caller, oh I work for the ATO too, what department are you in and your office number, maybe it’s easier to chat directly over our office phones. Abrupt...
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    Brokerage for International Stocks

    @ghost_eclipse This is probably a good starting point for people new to investing in shares and ETFs.
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    Brokerage for International Stocks

    @ghost_eclipse Just change it to fit their criteria and continue on. It’s there to cover their ass in case a newbie stuffs up and tries to sue them for giving them a platform to lose money easily. They don’t actually check or make you sit a test to make sure you understand what you say you...
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    Better to pay off credit card or keep saving and maintain CC debt?

    @rchl3321 Please read the following link, Hopefully it’ll explain better and with pictures and examples, how you’re getting charged interest on your credit card even though you don’t think you are.
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    Brokerage for International Stocks

    @ghost_eclipse This is a weird metric to use to compare brokers....i use both CMC markets and Interactive brokers as my main brokers and I’ve never given the apps more than a cursory glance. I can definitely say I’ve never used App Store reviews as a judge of how good a broker is. The app is...
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    Better to pay off credit card or keep saving and maintain CC debt?

    @andy99 On the contrary, credit card providers love customers like the OP. They’re the ones who make them $$$ on the product. As long as they don’t default on the debt and are just making minimum payments(or even above minimum payments) on the card, they’re basically the golden goose who keeps...
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    Better to pay off credit card or keep saving and maintain CC debt?

    @rchl3321 Mate….unless the interest rate on the credit card is a promo 0% or close to it for a limited time, pay the credit card debt off ASAP. I don’t understand why you haven’t paid it off the moment you had the the spare cash to do so instead of putting that spare cash in a savings account...